Jaume Pérez was interviewed on Radio Nacional de España (RNE)2025-02-05

Jaume Pérez Sánchez, Research Professor and Principal Investigator of the group, was interviewed in the program “Españoles en la mar” of Radio Nacional de España (RNE), where he addressed a key issue for the future of aquaculture: the adaptation of sea bream diet to climate change.

In the episode entitled “Fish and seafood in Spanish gastronomy”, he explained how modification in the diet of these fish could improve their resistance to environmental variations. This innovative approach seeks to ensure more sustainable and efficient production, minimizing the impact of global warming on aquaculture.

The summer of 2022 evidenced the importance of this research, when temperatures on the Spanish Mediterranean coast reached 30.49 ºC, testing the limits of gilthead sea bream. This thermal increase caused changes in the gut microbiota of the fish, characterized by a drastic increase in the genus Brevinema, identified as a possible marker of heat stress. Adaptation of diets not only has the potential to transform the aquaculture industry, but can also contribute to food security and conservation of marine ecosystems. The identification of stress markers, such as Brevinema, allows for the adjustment of farming practices to develop nutritional strategies that mitigate the effects of global warming on aquaculture production, thus ensuring the resilience of the sector.

The full interview is available at the following link, starting at minute 31:56: Interview RNE

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