Offer JAE INTRO ICU 2025
If you want to get started in research and are interested in bioinformatics and/or aquaculture, we are looking for candidates to apply for the JAE INTRO ICU 2025 programme in the Nutrigenomics group of the Instituto de Acuicultura Torre de la Sal (IATS).
Our training scheme (Ref. IATS-02), entitled ‘Beyond the genome: the pangenome of a fast-growing farmed population of sea bream’, will study the genetic variability of a farmed population of sea bream that were able to tolerate summer temperature peaks in the Mediterranean of more than 30 degrees without suffering growth losses. We will do this by exploring the possibilities of long read sequencing data for the construction of pangenomes, for the first time in the species. Furthermore, in a multi-omics approach, we will try to integrate this variability with other elements of the population, such as its epigenome, transcriptome and metagenome, all through the use of artificial intelligence techniques.
If you want to know more, take a look at the image and the LINK or proposals.
For more information contact: fernando.naya@iats.csic.es
PhD offer, Nutrigenomics and Fish Growth Endocrinology
We are looking for a candidate to apply to a fully-funded four-year PhD contract to work on the recently funded research project from the Spanish Ministry of Science “Holistic phenotyping of evolutive/adaptive features in fish farming. The gilthead sea bream holobiont: from pangenome to metagenome (BreamHOLOBIONT)- PID2023-146990OB-I00”
Lead scientist: Jaume Pérez-Sánchez (IP1), Josep Calduch Giner (IP2)
Thesis topic: Multi-omic phenotyping of thermal tolerance in fish.
More information at CSIC Opportunities for research careers Section and here.
Application deadline: November 15th 2024
Starting date: between 1st January 2025 and 1st March 2025
Candidates: Candidates should hold a Master's degree in Biology, Genetics, Biotecnology, Aquaculture or a related field. High academic achievements ( >7) and a high level of English are required. Programming skills and bioinformatics knowledge will be considered an advantage.
Location: Institute of Aquaculture Torre la Sal (IATS-CSIC), Ribera de Cabanes, Castellón
Interested candidates should send an email to jaime.perez.sanchez@csic.es & j.calduch@csic.es