New additions to Nutrigroup team2023-04-04

These are the newest faces of Nutrigroup. Leyre Rivero Álvarez has been incorporated as project manager to handle the administrative tasks of the coordination of the Thinkinazul project. Ricardo Domingo starts his Phd with a contract from the FishNUTRIWELL project within Thinkinazul, studying the microbiome changes in fish with different nutritional and genetic background, and correlating these changes with the nutritional and taste profiles of fish fillets. Federico Moroni is a postdoctoral contracted in the framework of EU Project AQUAEXCEL3.0 to assess the meta-analysis of microbiome changes by means of new bioinformatic tools, and the adaptation of these tools for new omic approaches such as metagenomics, trnascriptomics and methylomics.

We wish them a nice and fruitful stay in the Group.


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