End of stay at IATS for two ERASMUS students2014-09-30

We say goodbye to students Debora D'Angelo and Alessandro de Ambrosi from the Università degli Studi dell'Insubria (Italy), after their five months (May-September) ERASMUS stay at IATS facilities and laboratories. Debora´s work has been focused on the molecular and functional characterization of the gilthead sea bream intestinal mucus proteome, Alessandro´s in the molecular identity and expression of metabolic sensors and growth factors in gilthead sea bream. Their stays have been mastered by Dr. Ariadna Sitjà and Prof. Jaume Pérez, respectively. We hope they profited and enjoyed their stays with us as much as we did from their company and assistance. We wish them the best in their future careers. Arrivederci!

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