What do we eat? Interactive tool for predictive modelling fish fatty acid composition

Dummy regression

A complete fish dataset (with more than 150 entries) were fitted to multiple regression equations, with European sea bass, turbot and sole as dummy variables, gilthead sea bream as the reference subgroup category, and diet fatty acid composition and fillet lipid content as independent variables.

= β0 + β1Xi1 + β2X-1i2 + [β3Xi3 + β4Xi4 + β5Xi5] + [β8X-1i2Xi3 + β9X-1i2Xi4 + β10X-1i2Xi5]

Strong correlation coefficients were obtained for saturated fatty acids, monoenes and highly unsaturated fatty acids with a similar strength for each species subgroup.

Response units: mg fatty acid per g lipid; mg fatty acid per fillet ration portion (150 g).

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Lipid fillet (%):